The headlines that won the John Oliver Video Sweepstakes:
Week 1
3. John Oliver Just Started ‘Show Us Your Peanuts’ To Call Out A Massively Shady Industry. Sign Me Up!
2. John Oliver Calls Out Sugar Industry, Demands They #ShowUsYourPeanuts
1. Watch John Oliver’s Brilliant Takedown of the Sugar Industry
Week 2
3. John Oliver Learns That State Legislatures Are The Shadow Governments You’ve Always Feared
2. Watch John Oliver Try To Keep A Straight Face And Then Lose It After Witnessing Your Lawmakers Talk
1. Don’t Care About Your State Legislature? Let John Oliver Amusingly Explain Why You Should.
Week 3
3. John Oliver Chugs Some Vodka To Prove A Point About America’s Horrible Education Scam, The Lottery
2. John Oliver: Americans foolishly ‘spend more on the lottery than they do on America’
1. John Oliver Explains Why Lotteries Don’t Really Help Fund Education