Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Smart Publishers Are Medium-Agnostic

“Push represents a distinctive way of thinking about style and distribution, one that other organizations might benefit from. Rather than force a unified ESPN style onto every social-media platform, the team takes care to learn the local language of every territory of the Internet—experimenting with live feeds on its homepage, studying which stories fly furthest on Facebook, and practicing the goofball patois of Snapchat.

“ESPN’s internal motto—‘to serve sports fans anytime, anywhere’—is repeated so often at the company that, on a walk through its Bristol campus, the phrase passes through stages, from meaning to cliche, and then, perhaps, back to meaning. ESPN is impressively agnostic about where to put it best stuff, sharing ad-free video clips on Snapchat; tweeting its long feature pieces days before the magazine slips into mail boxes; and making an infinity of videos, podcasts, articles, and other forms of content free on its website and in other forms.

ESPN’s Plan to Dominate the Post-TV World

Related: This Is Why Quartz and BuzzFeed Are Today’s Smartest Publishers